Dear friends of African Hope
We need your help to keep our doors open. Download the following attachment and sent it to all your friends. You can also retweet this link on Twitter and Facebook.
The students and staff of African Hope
Dear friends of African Hope
We need your help to keep our doors open. Download the following attachment and sent it to all your friends. You can also retweet this link on Twitter and Facebook.
The students and staff of African Hope
AHLC is a school for refugees here in Maadi, Cairo. Our students and staff come from 13 different African nations. The school exists to provide education and employment for refugees who are prevented from accessing education and employment here in Egypt.
We have no long term sources of funding and grants for ongoing expenses are becoming very hard to find. Organisations are increasingly preferring to fund short term enrichment projects, such as providing sporting equipment and computers, at the expense of providing help for everyday operational expenses.
Can you help? Yes you can! Give Hope!
Please contact to offer your support. Please share our request with your family, friends and colleagues.
Due to our wonderful volunteers our senior students have the opportunity to learn chess each Wednesday and receive extra literacy tuition 4 days per week. These are just a couple of the great programs that volunteers bring to the school.
See all the photos from today here.
Our great friend Hiro has put together some computer wallpapers so now you can support us on your desktop.
Download them, email them, and remember us!
February photo news 1
February photo news 2
Last Saturday a wonderful team of volunteers gave their time to provide some dental check ups and minor work to students in our primary school. Visiting teams like this provide services to our students which otherwise they would not receive due to financial restraints.
See the rest of the photos here.