Another great day for MCS and African Hope

African Hope enjoys a great relationship with our brothers and sisters across the Metro line – MCS.

Each week they take some of our students for PE and we have benefited from donations of books and other learning materials over the years.

Thanks to Ms Felicity and Mr Keevy we now have a weekly session of peer tutoring with the two schools. Another great opportunity for a sharing of skills across cultures.



African Hope Learning Centre thanks New Horizon International school

We were delighted to have a visit from some teachers and students from New Horizon International School today. They toured the school and asked some excellent questions about refugees and our school.

As you can see fromm the photo they also brought with them a donation of toys, games and clothes which will help the refugee community a great deal.

Everyone at African Hope Learning Centre sends a big thank you to the students, staff and community of New Horizon International School. We look forward to the partnership building up both communities.


In 2021 we celebrate 23 years of providing a place of learning for African refugees in Cairo, EGYPT!